Industry Collaboration

NCCER Recognizes Carpentry and Masonry Students at SkillsUSA

0 July 28, 2015  Careers in Construction, Construction Training, featured

Last month at the 51st annual SkillsUSA competition, more than 6,000 career and technical education (CTE) students competed in nearly 100 different craft, technical and leadership fields on a national level in Louisville, Ky. As a part of the competition, NCCER has sponsored the SkillsUSA National Carpentry Competition and the National Masonry Competition. NCCER congratulated the winners […]


Public Workforce System Rulemaking Addressed in Comments

0 June 25, 2015  Construction Training, featured, The Skills Gap, Workforce Issues

As part of a coalition, ABC submitted comments June 15 to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and U.S. Department of Education (DOE) on proposed rules for the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  ABC and the coalition offered their input on areas where the public workforce system under WIOA can be better […]


Construction Skill Shortages Growing in Florida

0 February 26, 2015  The Skills Gap

A recent article on the Florida construction economy highlights the concerns that local industry leaders have about the availability of skilled craft professionals.  Not only are Florida contractors feeling the ripple effect from the petrochemical construction markets in other states, surging growth in local markets is expected to create additional demands for skilled craft labor.  ABC […]


Louisiana Course Choice Wins Praise for ABC Training Partnership

0 February 2, 2015  Careers in Construction, Construction Training, featured, On The Job

As we often preach around these parts, traditional classroom learning isn’t for everyone.  Many students who fall behind as they sit through the standard college-prep curriculum, excel when they’re put in a hands-on learning environment focused on career ready skills training.  This is certainly the case for one student in Louisiana who, thanks to the […]


Merit Shop Training Center Adds Three New Apprenticeship Programs

0 January 29, 2015  Construction Training, featured, The Skills Gap

  The Construction Industry Training Council of Washington (CITC) has added three new statewide apprenticeship programs to its offerings: laborers, residential electricians and low energy electricians. CITC’s laborers program is the first open shop laborers program in the State and the tenth craft recognized by the State for CITC.  The residential electrical program and low […]


Education Professionals and Construction Industry Collaborate on Career Pathways

0 November 21, 2014  Careers in Construction, Construction Training, featured, The Skills Gap

As a response to Harvard’s 2011 Pathways to Prosperity report, national leaders from the construction industry joined forces with educators this week during the Construction Career Pathways Conference. Hosted by NCCER in conjunction with the Association for Career and Technical Education VISION2014 conference, the program highlighted examples of some of the highest performing career pathways in the […]