Department of Labor

Construction Industry Pledges to Hire 100,000 Veterans

1 February 12, 2014  Careers in Construction, featured

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Feb. 10 joined construction industry leaders from more than 100 companies in support of their pledge to employ 100,000 veterans in the next five years—a commitment that was made during the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Veterans’ Employment in Construction National Symposium. “ABC believes in supporting our troops by providing […]


CTE Hearing Highlights Industry Participation Needs

0 November 26, 2013  featured, Workforce Issues

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives Education and the Workforce Committee held a hearing to investigate proposals for improving career and technical education (CTE) funding programs through the Carl D. Perkins Act re-authorization.  In his opening remarks, Chairman John Kline (R-Minn.) mentioned the sub-committee testimony of Al Bargas, president of the ABC Pelican Chapter in […]


Registered Apprenticeship Hit By The Shutdown

0 October 2, 2013  Workforce Issues

Construction apprenticeship students, sponsor organizations and employers of apprentices will face delays, compliance roadblocks and increased risk of wage and hour violations  as a result of yesterday’s federal government shutdown.  In a Training and Employment Notice issued by the Department of Labor (DOL) on September 30th, the Acting Assistant Secretary Eric Seleznow laid out the […]



0 July 31, 2010  Careers in Construction, featured, Workforce Issues

Our industry is facing a workforce crisis—construction firms, the news media, legislators and educators unanimously agree. Although a great deal of ink has been spilled highlighting this skills gap, the hard work being done to train the up-and-coming workforce is rarely reported.  And without a credible source of information about these initiatives and success stories, […]