South Carolina

Maintaining American Competitiveness Through Improved Workforce Training: A Guest Post By Congressman Tom Rice (R-SC)

0 May 7, 2014  featured, The Skills Gap, Workforce Issues

In order to maintain American competitiveness, we must ensure that our 21st Century workforce includes the highly skilled and trained craftsmen and professionals that our economy requires. Over the years, federal workforce training and workplace development programs have been added and existing programs have been modified in order to address spikes in unemployment.  While these […]


Apprenticeship Tax Credit Introduced in Senate

0 April 11, 2014  Workforce Issues

A bipartisan bill was announced in the U.S. Senate yesterday that will provide a federal tax credit for employers hiring new apprentices.  The Leveraging and Energizing America’s Apprenticeship Programs Act (LEAP Act) was introduced by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) to increase employer participation in registered apprenticeship programs and provide skilled […]